
A Proposed Solution for the EEOC’s Position on Retaliation in Severance Agreements

Don’t shred your settlement and severance agreements just yet. Modify your agreements t...

HR Administration

EEOC Claims Retaliation Over Garden-Variety Severance Terms

If the EEOC is successful in this lawsuit, employers will have to reconsider key provis...


How Do I Show Training Impact?

I am searching for examples of measures that can show the “mission impact” of training ...

Staffing Management

How Do We Encourage Accountability for Development?

How do I convince my supervisors why they need to be accountable for employee developme...

Workforce News


Time-Off Policies: Leave Well Enough Alone or Go PTO?

Moving to a PTO system has many advantages, including: reducing unscheduled absences an...

Workforce News


Intuition and Decisions

In business, as in life, relying on intuition alone is not healthy. Yet, neither is a w...

Workplace Culture

Don’t Let Wellness Panels Grow Fat and Lazy: Experts

While the tendency is to recruit and keep the most qualified committee members, some sa...

Workplace Culture

Management à la ‘Mitty’

These examples of teamwork and esprit de corps aren’t just feel-good Hollywood moments....