A Proposed Solution for the EEOC’s Position on Retaliation in Severance AgreementsDon’t shred your settlement and severance agreements just yet. Modify your agreements t...
HR Administration
EEOC Claims Retaliation Over Garden-Variety Severance TermsIf the EEOC is successful in this lawsuit, employers will have to reconsider key provis...
How Do I Show Training Impact?I am searching for examples of measures that can show the “mission impact” of training ...
Staffing Management
How Do We Encourage Accountability for Development?How do I convince my supervisors why they need to be accountable for employee developme...
Time-Off Policies: Leave Well Enough Alone or Go PTO?Moving to a PTO system has many advantages, including: reducing unscheduled absences an...
Intuition and DecisionsIn business, as in life, relying on intuition alone is not healthy. Yet, neither is a w...
Workplace Culture
Don’t Let Wellness Panels Grow Fat and Lazy: ExpertsWhile the tendency is to recruit and keep the most qualified committee members, some sa...
Workplace Culture
Management à la ‘Mitty’These examples of teamwork and esprit de corps aren’t just feel-good Hollywood moments....