The ‘Substantially Younger’ Test for Age DiscriminationMartha Knotts worked for the Grafton City Hospital until she was terminated at age 65. ...
Complications From Postpartum DepressionPostpartum depression can cause problems for employees — and painful lawsuits against...
When COBRA and Workers’ Comp CollideEvery now and again I get a question from a client to which I don’t know the answer, or...
The EEOC on Paternalism Vs. Pregnancy DiscriminationPaternalism and pregnant workers do not mix. Case in point? According to this EEOC pres...
Candidate Experience Tech Is Ticking Them OffJob candidates, like customers, expect a certain level of service and courtesy when t...
Will Work for BeerAccording to Boy Genius Report, archeologists in Iraq recently discovered a 5,000-year-...
FMLA Does Not Excuse Poor PerformanceEarlier in the week, I discussed Tilley v. Kalamazoo, in which an employer took one on ...
HR Administration
The Wacky World of Work: Jack Hanna at SHRMAt SHRM 2016, Workforce Managing Editor James Tehrani spoke with famed zoologist and TV...