
Customer Preference and Race Discrimination: When the Customer Isn’t Right

The customer can never choose the race of the person working for you. The customer migh...


Orange is the New Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

If your workplace is sexually charged, it will catch up with you eventually.


Executive Order Bans LGBT Discrimination by the Federal Contractors and Government

It’s incomprehensible and unjustifiable for an employer to discriminate on the basis of...

Workforce News

HR Administration

Norm Kamikow, Workforce’s Editor-in-Chief, Dies at Age 70

Kamikow was an industry leader who worked to elevate the human capital profession and s...


A Prescription to Stop Bullying

Leaders must explicitly communicate that uncivil, abusive behavior is thwarting their i...


Don’t Ignore Low-Performers

Poor performers may be the result of mismatched skills, not a lack of talent. Better ma...


Found in Translation: Job Applications Go Mobile, Multilingual

New software can help employers make the application process more accessible for valuab...


What the ADA Says About Employee Medical Information and Social Media

Employees need to be very careful when discussing a co-worker’s health on social media....