Appellate Court Reinstates Sex-Discrimination Claim of Transgendered WorkerBecause more courts are accepting transgender-bias claims under Title VII, (un)consciou...
Staffing Management
Robert Hohman: Looking Through the GlassdoorTransparency helps both job seekers and employers find the right fit in today’s robust ...
The ‘Lego-ization’ of LearningCompanies are repurposing digital content into smaller chunks to make their learning mo...
Don’t Ignore Reasonable Accommodations in the Application ProcessA lawsuit filed by the EEOC against McDonald’s Corp. for its alleged refusal to intervi...
Legal Briefing: Make The Right Call On On-Call ShiftsRetailers or other employers using the practice of on-call shifts should carefully revi...
New Contraception Case Makes HeadlinesBut few companies likely to be affected by pending decision.
Minimum-Wage Analysis Takes Maximum Effort to Determine True Business CostsNo matter what side of the fence you’re on in the minimum-wage debate, the reality is n...