Time & Attendance
Shift Management
Task Management
Performance Management
Employee Engagement
About this Webinar
Hourly staff are notorious to turnover, costing the business around $4,000 per $8/employee. HR are doing what they can in a world where there is only so much room for career growth and training challenges are dependent on the small amount of time & money allocated. We must be able to unlock retention through retention strategies that pair up with reasons for turnover within one’s company.
Margaret Jackson, a Senior Director at RPM Pizza, is coming on to discuss how to unlock long-term retention, how to nurture growth opportunities, and why it’s important to train and onboard with retention on top of mind. She comes from a restaurateur background and has years of experience managing young, shift and salary-based frontline workers making Margaret the perfect candidate to answer any questions you have to help design your retention strategy.
How to identify reasons for turnover and align them with your retention strategy.
How to integrate skill-development in your retention strategy to increase company loyalty.
How to enhance your company’s training and onboarding programs to make sure staff are engaged from the start.