Average Salary for Technology Professional Rises 5.3 Percent: SurveyThe average salary for technology professionals rose 5.3 percent in 2012—the largest in...
Workplace Culture
How Lean Is Too Lean?How do we determine if our workforce is too lean following layoffs? We had an additiona...
Damn You Auto-Correct! (Train Your Employees to Proofread)When you hold your annual harassment training you might want to consider mentioning the...
NHL Players Score New Pension PlanThe defined contribution plans, created during the last league lockout in 2005, will be...
Workplace Culture
Survey Shows Lack of Innovation MotivationFour in 10 organizations see themselves as ineffective at fostering innovation, and the...
HR Administration
HHS Gives $1.5 Billion in Grants to 11 States to Set Up Health ExchangesThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said it is giving $1.5 billion in gran...
Workplace Culture
How Many People Fail Background Checks?Where can I find information on the average number of applicants who do not pass backgr...
Workplace Culture
No Joke: Stand-Up Comedy Training for Employees Can Improve Workplace CultureInfusing comedy into workplace culture has the potential to improve employee communicat...